팝업레이어 알림

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About HCIS

Established in 2016, set in a natural environment on a hill next to a forest overlooking a
beautiful bay, Hillside Collegiate IS (HCIS) serves a community of over 30 nationalities
from Pre-Kindergarten through to Grade 12.

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Early Years Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten1 Perfect Start

In our Early Years (Pre-Kindergarten to Pre-Primary), the uniqueness of each of our children is honored, celebrated and enriched. Our teaching and learning program is inspired by the principles of the Reggio Emilia philosophy, guided by The Early Years Learning Framework, connected to the joy of experiential and positive learning.

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Primary Grade 1 - Grade 6 Inspiring a love of learning

It focuses on developing our student’s capabilities and dispositions into being independent and masterful learners who are ready to meet present and future challenges.

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Junior Secondary Grade 7 – Grade 9 Growing in confidence and character

Junior Secondary years are particularly important. Students face numerous choices and challenges as they continue to explore their place in the world through an education emphasising intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth.

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Senior Secondary Grade 10 – Grade 12 Finding your future and inspiring the world

At Senior Secondary, we offer an unparalleled suite of opportunities by integrating an extensive academic, leadership, and career/university counselling program. Most students in their early senior years do not really know what they want to do when they leave school.

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Career & University Counselling Preparing students for life beyond school

In Secondary we will provide a practical career and university counselling program in which students are guided and advised on a subject choice, course selection, career exploration, and university preparation.

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Every child in the school is assigned to a homeroom teacher - this is the classroom teacher in the Primary School and one of the child's specialist teachers in the Secondary School.

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House System a House System for all students to be involved

At HCIS we provide a House System for all students to be involved. We use the house system to develop positive social interaction between different age groups within the school and foster healthy competition.

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Year of the Dragon - Principal's Message

Welcoming the Year of the Dragon at HCIS 용의 해를 맞이하여 As we step into the calendar's Year of the Dragon, I extend warm wishes to each member of our HCIS family. The dragon is a symbol of strength, wisdom, and good fortune, and it heralds a year of auspicious beginnings.At HCIS, we embrace the spirit of the dragon – resilient, bold, and ready to face new challenges. Together, we've created a vibrant community that values diversity, learning, and growth. Let this year be a continuation of our journey toward excellence. In the Year of the Dragon, let's nurture the flames of curiosity, ignite the spark of creativity, and soar to new heights of academic achievement.May this year bring joy, prosperity, and success to all our students, parents, and staff. Wishing you a spectacular New Year filled with happiness, good health, and the realization of your dreams.용띠 해를 맞으며 우리 HCIS 가족 한 사람 한 사람에게 따뜻한 축원을 보냅니다. 용은 힘과 지혜와 행운의 상징으로 올해의 상서로운 시작을 예고합니다. HCIS의 우리 학생들은 용의 강인함과 지혜를 본받아 쉽게 포기하거나 실망하지 않고, 대담하며 새로운 도전에 직면할 준비가 되어 있습니다. 우리는 지금껏 다양성과 배움, 성장을 중요하게 여기는 활기찬 공동체를 만들어 왔으며 올해 역시 미래를 향해 한 발짝 더 다가가기 위한 여정은 계속될 것입니다. 용의 해, 호기심의 불길을 키우고 창의력의 불꽃에 불을 붙이며 목표하는 학문적성취를 이루어 내는 한 해가 되길 바래봅니다. 올 한 해 우리 학생, 학부모님, 교직원 모두에게 기쁨과 번영, 성공이 깃들기를 기원합니다. 행복과 건강, 꿈의 실현이 가득한 새해가 되시기를 기원합니다.Kind Regards Kim Peters, Principal


Principal's Newsletter Issue 10 - 5 Intelligence

5 Intelligence 다섯가지 종류의 지능 As we navigate the ongoing academic adventure, it's crucial to shine a light on the diverse facets of intelligence. At Hillside Collegiate, we understand that genuine leadership encompasses a spectrum of intelligences. Here are five key dimensions that we aim to nurture.● IQ (지능지수): IQ signifies analytical and logical thinking. 분석적이고 논리적인 사고 ● EQ (감성지수): EQ places emphasis on nurturing empathy, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills. 공감능력, 자기인식능력, 대인관계능력● PQ (열정지수): PQ measures one's commitment to meaningful goals and values. 의미 있는 목표와 가치에 대한 자신의 열정● CQ (탐구지수): In a world driven by exploration, curiosity is paramount. CQ prepares them for the challenges of an ever-evolving world. 끊임없이 진화하는 세상에 대한 도전● AQ (역경지수): AQ gauges one's ability to navigate and overcome adversity. 어려움 혹은 불편함을 헤쳐나가고 극복하는 자신의 능력Hillside wants to cultivate well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also exhibit emotional intelligence, a sense of purpose, passion, curiosity, and resilience. As partners in your child's educational journey, we invite you to explore these intelligences together at home.HCIS는 학업적으로만 뛰어난 것이 아니라, 감성적 지능, 목적 의식, 열정, 호기심, 포기하지 않는 끈질김을 발휘하는 균형 잡힌 인재를 키우고자 합니다. 이러한 저희의 노력에 동반자로서 함께 해주시기를 바랍니다. 



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